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NEONE - Advertising Agency
Skrzyszowska 133, 44-304 Wodzisław Śląski, Poland VAT ID:PL6472359987
T: +48 32 455 18 15 M: +48 691 075 305 e-mail:

Additional information:

  • We issue EU invoices as well.
  • We prefer that you contact us by e-mail
    rather than by telephone
  • We set up appointments individually

We do not consent to the dissemination, distribution and sale of the above contact information for marketing purposes. Our email address is used solely for the correspondence related to the scope of the business activities determined on this website.

Online contact form:


Copyright © 2005-2015 Dietetyk Rybnik NEONE Poland | T: +48 32 455 18 15, M: +48 691 075 305 e-mail:

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